Site officiel d’Inspire Metz,
Agence d'attractivité de l'Eurométropole de Metz
Discover Metz Métropole’s engineering courses

Discover Metz Métropole’s engineering courses

Monday 25 February 2019

Each year, Metz Métropole welcomes more than 20,000 students who participate in over 340 training programs.

In the heart of the cross-border region (Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium) and connected to Paris in 82 minutes by TGV, the Art & Tech metropolis strives to structure the territory's innovative sectors: digital sectors, materials and processes and creative and cultural industries.

The presence of major private and academic research centres, technology transfer centres such as Cea Tech, Institut Lafayette, IRT M2P, the Matéralia competitiveness cluster and major industrial groups such as PSA, Claas, Thyssenkrupp... testifies to the attractiveness of the Métropole and its competitive advantages.

The engineering schools of Metz Metropole:

  • ENIM - National Engineering School of Metz (University of Lorraine)
  • Centrale Supélec - Metz Campus
  • Arts & Métiers Metz
  • Georgia Tech Lorraine
  • ESITC - The School of Construction, Public Works and Civil Engineering Trades


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